Are you suffering from brain shrinkage? Do you feel like you're turning into a walking vegetable? Then read on and I'll show you 5 quick ways to rapidly enhance your mental performance, starting today!
Are you getting forgetful and always losing stuff like your keys, phone or even your car?
Are you experiencing a loss of appetite for intellectual stimulation? Do you actually enjoy watching daytime television?
If you're experiencing any of these symptoms you might have a shrinking brain! It's time to crank up your brain power before it's too late!
Here's the solution - we're going to work your brain from 5 different angles that each improves brain function in a different way.
Upgrade One: Physical training
Research on joggers showed an 8 point IQ gain for those who ran 30 minutes a day. Increased exercise improves the oxygenation of your brain, hence it performs better. This one's a 'no brainer' - it's free, easy and good for you. For those who already jog, look into doing some form of high intensity interval training - same effect but easier on your knees.
Upgrade Two: Energy system training
Feelings of mental stagnation can be caused by clogged energy flows through that region of the body. Try this simple drill called the Crown Pull as needed through the day. Place the finger tips of both hands in the middle of your forehead, resting the thumbs at your temples.
As you inhale deeply pull the finger tips firmly along the skin and out to the sides of your head. Repeat a couple of times then move up the middle of your skull and repeat the firm pulling motion until you've worked all the way to the nape of your neck. You might find you feel clearer mentally or start to yawn as you do this.
Upgrade Three: Start a brain building program
The biggest quick win here is regular use of ImageStreaming, a cognitive enhancement and visualisation process invented by learning pioneer Dr. Win Wenger.
The drill is simple - just describe aloud what you see in your imagination. Talk quickly in present tense, sensory rich terms to a live listener or a recorder. This simple activity builds feedback loops between all the regions of your brain and seems to better network them, giving you increased mental performance. 10 minutes a day for 10 days gives an noticeable upgrade.
Upgrade Four: Eat your way to better brain
Your brain (viewed as a macronutrient) is basically a large blob of fat. Look into brain fuels like algae, EFA rich fish and krill oil. Why are they called 'essential' fatty acids? Because you can only get them from food sources, you're body can't manufacture them itself so it's important to have good quality fat in your diet.
Upgrade Five: Cognitive Enhancers
These intriguing substances are generally used like a supplement (unlike the brain foods above) and can give you a nice cognitive lift. Most people are familiar with the effects of coffee and caffeine related substances, but less processed substances like raw cacao (chocolate in it's natural form) can give a similar mental lift, as can guarana. Look for pristine, organic unprocessed forms.
Get started today on your brain building program before it's too late!
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